Strategi Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries dalam Melindungi Ekspor Komoditas Kelapa Sawit Negara Anggota Dari Ancaman Kebijakan Proteksionis Uni Eropa


  • Indriati Safitri Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Universitas Mataram
  • Alfian Hidayat Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Mataram, NTB
  • Sirwan Yazid Bustami Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Mataram, NTB



protectionist policy, Renewable Energy Directive, economic diplomacy, negative campaign, palm oil discrimination


This paper aimsto explain how the strategy of the council of palm oil producing countries (CPOPC) in
overcoming problems in the palm oil sector caused by the protectionist policies of the European
Union. The EU policy is contained in the Renewable Energy Directive II which contains the gradual
elimination of the use of palm oil which is categorized as a high risk vegetable oil for deforestation and
land conversion. This certainly has a significant impact on the export performance of palm oil
producing countries. Palm oil is a very vital commodity for the sustainability of the global economy.
Thus, if faced with threats in the form of protectionist policies, negative campaigns, and discrimination
against palm oil, it becomes a shared responsibility for oil palm producing countries to fight for the
existence of palm oil in the global market. Through multilateral organizations, in this case, CPOPC is
considered a strategic step in carrying out economic diplomacy efforts in achieving common goals in
overcoming the threat of the EU's RED II policy.


